• Leveling system planned for dairy, pharmaceutical and food industry in respect of the strictest hygienic regulations. The bush is provided with a gasket, which by adhering to the smooth surface of the screw avoids any intrusion of dirt.
• Material: Stainless steel base 1.4301 (1.4401on request). Pad: vulcanized rubber NBR 80 shore. On request white E.P.D.M. (high resistance against solvents and chemical degreasers).
• Load values above mentioned have to be considered referring to static conditions calculated at the half of the screw length. In conditions of vibrations or in presence of dynamic loads these values should be reduced. For further information consult our technical office. We cannot accept responsibility for mounts that have been tampered or modified.
• Material: Stainless steel base 1.4301 (1.4401on request). Pad: vulcanized rubber NBR 80 shore. On request white E.P.D.M. (high resistance against solvents and chemical degreasers).
• Load values above mentioned have to be considered referring to static conditions calculated at the half of the screw length. In conditions of vibrations or in presence of dynamic loads these values should be reduced. For further information consult our technical office. We cannot accept responsibility for mounts that have been tampered or modified.